Well, it's been another interesting day, being out of a job nowadays is just rougher than I ever imagined. I know I'm not exactly making a new discovery here, but it's funny how when your unemployed you always have this idea in your head that it is basically your fault, but that's o.k., all you have to do is just try a little harder, get together a little more "gumption" and pull your self up by your bootstraps and eventually all will be well.
But as each week goes by and as this economy turns to crap it gets harder and harder to keep any kind of positive spin on anything.
I eventually kinda gave up on today, after a four-hour visit to the welfare office,then giving up half my unemployment check for back rent, my brain just kinda ran outta gas.
Oh, there were some positive moments to my day..... ran into some old friends at the hobby shop, it was a beautiful day, and even though I was stuck in the welfare office, it was absent of any screaming kids, in fact the kids that were there were actually quite cute. I was actually amazed that I had the perseverance to sit and not leave for 4 hours and not kill anyone in the process.(I think that's a first.)
I'm not saying it was easy---- had a severely obese man next to me for a good portion of the time.... seemed rather challenged in the hygiene department, if you know what I mean. Had that "just crapped my pants" smell about him- which as anybody knows, is quite a distinctive smell.
The guy on my left had extremely bloodshot eyes and kept whining to his girlfriend about the wait, normally this is fine but he never stopped. ever. Which just made me want to hit him all the more.
The whole place is just damn weird...... there's a t.v. in one side of the room with a Discovery Nature DVD playing on an endless loop with no sound, Big Band music is playing over the P.A. system, and most of the walls are painted in a flesh tone. With all the money this county has collected over the years, you would think that coat of paint would be a cheap upgrade. There's nothing like waiting in a room the color of Pepto-Bismol while your watching Hyenas tear apart a carcass to the soothing sounds of "Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy". Priceless.
I think what just added to all this is that my ex-girlfriend of 7 years works in the same building. (In fact she's upper management)And I don't think I'm going out on a limb here to say that running into your ex while your in line for food stamps is not exactly #1 on my hit parade. Maybe if I was outside a swank nightclub or buying a Ferrari or something, my attitude about this would change, but for the moment, I would just rather keep my distance.
I did see her outside the building in the smoking area as I was leaving. I was going to say something, but all I could think of was "HEY BITCH!" so I just kept walking. I guess I still have some issues.
Finally after all that waiting, I get to see a worker and find out what I'm eligible for: 87 bucks a month.
Ta Da!!! Wow, you know, this is great because I've been meaning to lose some weight anyway.
Definitely worth the four hour wait.
Sigh, just that kind of day..... I had this idea to get drunk tonight, but I really cant spare the cash for booze. Treated myself to Chinese food instead. Much better choice.
So I end the day sitting in my hot and stuffy apartment, eating Chinese food and watching "Peter Gunn" while two guys outside on the street are chasing each other with 2x4's.
Happy, happy day.
Great blog! And congrats on that didn't kill anyone today thing. Sounds like a hummer of a day. Hope today is better.
ReplyDeleteYour sister, who wants to see that Korean movie now.
Thanks Sis!