Hey! I got a job today..... sort of.
A friend is an engineer at a local company, and they recently let go their facility guy to save money.
Well, after couple weeks, the place started falling apart. (big surprise). So anyhoo, this friend calls me, I call them, and it looks like I'll be going in for a couple of days at the end of the month to basically make sure the lights come on, the toilets flush, and maybe slap a new coat of paint in a few areas. Groovy!
This is where my brain goes into vapor-lock.... since I don't have my own insurance, I'll do this job through a local temp agency, and that's fine, it makes sense. But of course I'll be "in the system" so my unemployment will take a hit for a couple of days work.
Maby this whole economic "thing" this year has made me extremely paranoid, but I'm always freaked out that I'll lose my unemployment. Sounds lame, but I guess I have a kind of love-hate relationship with the whole thing. On one hand, I hate the fact that I have to collect it, on the other, I'm grateful to have it.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who had the floor drop out from under them this year, but it tends to leave me a little "twitchy" to say the least. Jesus, no wonder I'm so neurotic.
But of course I wont get very far ahead sitting in the apartment. This is definetly good news.
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