I just have to pay homage to one of my favorite movies: Battle Beyond the Sun basically blew my mind the first time I saw it. It's actually a re-cycle of a couple of Russian Sci-Fi films(Niebo Zowiet (1959) and Planeta Burg (1962) picked up by Roger Corman and then passed off to Francis Ford Coppola (under the alias "Thomas Colchart" ) His father, Carmen Coppola, composed the sound track. Actually, the special effects, for it's time, is not that bad. Plus seeing part of the "space Race" from the soviet point of view is just different. (they tried patched over the U.S.S.R. on the spaceships, but a few red stars remain here and there.

Wow, I would have loved to have been at that meeting, must have been interesting. I think these guys might have had some issues with women.
You know, it not just the fact that this thing is a giant vagina, it's the teeth that's really the nightmare fuel.......
The technical term (he says, ten years later) for a vagina with teeth is "vagina dentata," an image from a number of different cultures folklore and/or myth. The literal source of such a specific image means you're right; they must have talked about it in production and decided to base their "monster" on this ancient folk image.